I think that is how a lot of people perceive God.
A Wonderful Gift from Jesus this Sunday
Jesus offers us forgiveness constantly, but the Feast of Divine Mercy this Sunday is special.
If everyone understood what Jesus wants to give us on this day, they'd drop everything and beg for His mercy.
Jesus told Saint Faustina that no sinner has offended God so much that he or she cannot be forgiven: “Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.”
Jesus died horribly in order to be able to offer us His forgiveness. Why aren’t we taking advantage of His gift?

Jesus said to St. Faustina in entry 699 of her diary:
“It is My desire that (the Feast of Mercy) be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.”
That feast is this coming Sunday, 27th April 2014.
“On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the intentions of the Pope recite the Our Father, Creed and a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament (exposed or reposed) shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishments.” My italics.
Look at what Jesus is offering us and what little He asks us to give Him in return. Is it really so hard for us Catholics to fulfill those requirements?
Jesus Asks so Little of Us
If you didn’t go to confession during Lent, here’s your perfect opportunity. If you've been away from the Church for a long time – a few years or even decades – and are in need of some encouragement to go , read The Light Is On For You to be reassured of what a loving reception you can expect in the confessional.
Confession is the biggest hurdle to completing Jesus’ requirements for His mercy. He’s asking us to be humble, and that's tough. It’s difficult for us humans to get over ourselves, but we must if we are to move forwards in our spiritual lives.

Once you’ve been to confession, a powerful feeling of peace will come over you. You’ll look forward to receiving your first Communion after the long absence, and enjoy a strong sense of coming home.
If you go to Mass, but sit in your pew while others go up to receive, or walk up Sunday after Sunday with your arms crossed for a blessing – imagine how wonderful it will be to receive the Body and Blood of Christ again!
I went through that experience after being away from the Church (and Mass) for over twenty years. A tremendous sense of serenity filled me after my ‘first confession’ and I was so excited to receive Communion again.
I had not appreciated until then just how much I’d missed the Mass. I knew this was where I truly belonged, and I’m confident you will, too.
Get ready to receive Our Lord this coming Sunday!
Hurry Before This Offer Expires!
Once we die, Jesus becomes the Just Judge. We can no longer prevail upon His mercy and forgiveness - it is too late.
Can any of us afford not to take Him up on His offer?

Sunrise at my house -
"This is the day the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24)