Didn't think so. Neither do I.
A Toast to the Absentee Family Member
This year my son was at college, cramming for his exams in the coming week.
That is, I assume watching basketball on TV in his student residence, when we talked on the phone, was helping him in his endeavors. His father assures me that our son needs background noise to study.
If you say so.
The Beautiful Moment
On Saturday night I asked my husband if he would come to 8 a.m. Mass with me on Sunday. Imagine my pleasant surprise when he was dressed and ready the next morning, without my having had to say a word!
This put me in a very good mood.
The Mint that Ruined that Beautiful Moment
During the sermon he said something to me, to which I replied. Then shortly, afterwards he was trying surreptitiously to slide a mint to me along the pew. I gave him a puzzled look, and he mouthed, "For your breath."
For that comment he received an angry look, and I mouthed "Not in church!" hoping the priest hadn't noticed this rude interruption of his sermon.
Men! (Or Is It Just Husbands?)
Then, while looking steadfastly at the priest, I proceeded to fume inwardly about my husband's insensitivity. How could he be so cruel as to ruin Mother's Day by telling me I had bad breath (I'd eaten garlic the previous night) and suggesting I eat a mint in the Lord's house?!
I tried to remind myself that I should not get upset, and pretty much succeeded.
Men! (Or Is It Just Husbands?) (Continued)
Until Mass was over. Desperate to get to his cigarettes, my husband marched out of church as fast as possible, leaving me trailing (and embarrassed) in his wake.
It was Mother's Day: couldn't he just this once have had the sensitivity to walk out with me properly, like husband and wife?
By the time I reached the car, way across the parking lot, the happiness of having been accompanied to Mass by my spouse had well and truly dissipated!
Those of you reading this, who are married, can easily imagine the words that ensued in the car.......
The Man's Response
His response to the mint thing was "I was just trying to help," (I thin need to redefine the word 'help'!) and to the walking out on me "I always do that" (oh, that's alright then).
I don't often feel this way, but yesterday really was an instance of men and women coming from different planets!
The Day Is Saved
In case you're worried, he salvaged the day by buying and barbequing dinner that evening, and it all ended peacefully.
Q & A: Mother's Day - A Good Thing or Not?
I think Mother's Day builds up expectations which, to be fair to the average family, can't reasonably be met. And we mothers shouldn't be surprised or upset when they're not. But it is hard to be so sanguine!
What do you think? How was your Mother's Day?