Being a Christian can sometimes feel like wandering in the desert
Guided to an Oasis
We often go through long periods when it feels as if we’re not doing anything useful for the world. Our financial donations to various causes are important, but we don’t see the benefits of this activity close-up.
That feeling of dryness completely changed this week. I was led to a spiritual oasis, a wonderful gift from God for Lent.
Using me, the Holy Spirit led two people to bring two people closer to God and in line with His loving wishes for their lives.
I feel privileged and deeply grateful to God. He’s been hearing “Thank you” much more often from me than just the regular petitions this week!
My previous parish priest used to say that the life of a good Christian is often like that of a donkey walking round and round on the treadmill's path, so the millstones will grind the flour. The activity is not glamorous, but it produces unseen benefits for others.
When God sometimes lets us see how He's utilizing us to participate in His miracles, I think He’s giving us encouragement on that path and telling us not be discouraged when we don’t always see the good results of our work.
He’s helping me recognize that all our lives are of value if we let God work in us. He also reminds me that only through Him can good works happen, and thus prevents me from becoming proud and pleased with myself.
So I conclude by saying this was a great week!