What Can We Expect in Heaven?
We're told that in Heaven we'll spend eternity worshiping God and singing his praises. To many of us that sounds terribly dull - but we don't want to go to Hell, either, because it is infinitely worse!
The problem is, we're imagining Heaven in terms of life here on earth. We expect worshiping God to be the same as worshipping a king here on earth for ever and ever and ever .......
That's where we're go wrong.
It won't be like that at all, but we only have our earthly, human perspective to work with when trying to understand just how wonderful Heaven will be.
A Second Look at Heaven
Here's how I look at Heaven, which gets me excited about the thought of being there.
Have you ever been in love? I mean, so deeply in love that you thought all day long only about the person you adored? So deeply in love that all you wanted was to spend time with that person? So deeply in love that you couldn't imagine life without him/her, and never wanted the relationship to end?
That's what I imagine Heaven to be like: spending the rest of eternity with Someone with Whom we're hopelessly in love with and never want to be apart from.
And imagine the object of our affections feeling the same way about us - despite our flaws and limitations! Well, that's just too good to be true, isn't it?
And yet, that's what it'll be like in Heaven: we'll adore, and be completely loved by, God.
Letting Go of the Horses
Maybe there'll be horses in Heaven, and maybe not. But my focus will be on God then, so it won't matter if any animals are there with me.