Do you ever pray that rosary hanging from your rear view mirror?
Why Pray to Mary?
So many people in my life need prayers that I’ve adopted the habit of praying continual 54 day novenas to Our Lady in an effort to help them.
There is a false perception that we Catholics idolize Mary, thereby disobeying the first commandment, which clearly states that we should adore God alone.
But we’re actually asking Mary for her intercession. She has the ear of her Son, Jesus, and we pray to her to plead our cause with Him.
The same goes for the saints. They intercede for us with God: they don't replace God in our adoration.
If you don’t believe they really are helping us, go to my Mother Therese of Jesus post for my own experience. She has not even been canonized yet and is already performing miracles of intercession.
To obtain a favor from Our Lady, pray five decades of the Rosary every day for 54 days. 27 of them are days of petition, the other 27 are days of thanksgiving. Go to this link for help in reciting the Rosary.
A Good Place to Pray
The novena requires serious time commitment, and the one location where I can pray the Rosary without interruption is in the car.
There are no English Bulldogs in my beaten up 1999 Expedition asking to be let out/let in/let out/let in again. I can’t answer the phone as I don’t have that clever Bluetooth connection thingy - and I can’t ride my horse there, either!
I'm stuck in my vehicle until I arrive at my destination, making it the perfect location for praying.
Happy For Hindrances
I’ve become grateful for every red light, every dithering driver holding me up, and every car that cuts in front of me or impedes my progress by other means - because they give me more time to pray.
My attitude to those young drivers, who weave in and out of traffic because just have to get ahead, is that I used to drive like them myself. By the same token I cope with doddery old drivers with the sobering thought that I will one day be among their number and grateful for the patience of others on the road.
This more charitable viewpoint of my fellow road users has subtly evolved through daily recitation of the Rosary in my ancient SUV.
A Humbling Exercise
I’m also slowing down, and forcing myself to tuck behind cars in the right lane. It’s not easy, and makes painfully clear to me how competitive I am. :(
I tell myself that other drivers’ agendas are more important than mine: I imagine they're late for work, or have an urgent medical appointment, or need to pick up a sick child from school – compelling reasons for being in front of me.
By the end of my day, I’ve not only completed five decades of the Rosary but have also improved my patience.
A win-win situation
How about reciting the Rosary while you drive? Not only will you help the person you’re praying for, but you’ll also have more patience on the road :)