How Many Miracles Do We Need?
But Jesus said "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"* God has shown us enough miracles already: we shouldn’t need any more.
There is a danger that non-believers or lukewarm Christians are becoming ardent followers of Christ purely on the basis of Tim Tebow’s wins in football. And that’s not what Christianity is about. Tebow’s loss yesterday is an important test of the faith of those who were drawn to Christ via his sport.
The Real Deal
Christianity is about taking up our cross and following Jesus. It is not about being a fair weather believer and worshipping Christ as long as his popular disciples are doing well.
Tim Tebow's fans need to recognize that he is as faithful to his Savior in defeat as he is in victory. And I believe this is why he needed to lose against the Patriots.
I hope his fans don’t desert him (and Christianity) when the going gets tough, like Christ’s disciples fleeing when he was arrested and dragged off to be crucified.
You may be interested in reading this article on Tim Tebow:
Tebow Critics Put Their Own Bigotry on Display by Linda Chavez