I get very scared when flying. Small planes, in particular, make me feel terribly vulnerable.
Twenty years ago, I was on a tiny ten seater flying from St Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands to Puerto Rico. The turbulence was terrifying: I really thought my last moments had come. And I had done nothing I could truly call useful for mankind during my life!
Bargain Making and Breaking
So I promised God that if he allowed me to land safely, I would sponsor a child, since I couldn’t have children of my own.
We landed safely. I forgot to thank God and did nothing about sponsoring a child.
A New Bargain
A few months later, on my very next flight – you’ve guessed it – the turbulence was even worse! I apologized to God for not keeping my promise last time, and told him that if he allowed me to live through this flight, I really, really would sponsor a child.
As soon as we landed, I thanked God and set to sponsoring not one but two children, as I felt so ashamed of my previous behavior.
Give and You Shall Receive
I mentioned earlier that I was unable to have children.
Shortly after I sponsored those children, I became pregnant with my
Have you ever had an experience where you did the right thing and were ‘over-compensated’ for it? If so, I'd love to hear about it :)